Since time immemorial, the theatre's business has been to entertain people, just like all the other arts. This business always gives it its particular dignity; it needs no other passport than fun, though this it must have. - Bertolt Brecht (A Short Organum for the Theatre Quotes)

Since time immemorial, the theatre’s business has been to entertain people, just like all the other arts. This business always gives it its particular dignity; it needs no other passport than fun, though this it must have.[Seit jeher ist es das Geschäft des Theaters, wie aller andern Künste auch, die Leute zu unterhalten. Dieses Geschäft verleiht ihm immer seine besondere Würde, es benötigt keinen anderen Ausweis als den Spaß, diesen freilich unbedingt.]

Source:A Short Organum for the Theatre (1949), Prologue
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