Women, however charming, have this disadvantage: They distract the mind from food!
One must follow one’s star, wherever it leads.
How absurd to call youth the time of happiness – youth, the time of greatest vulnerability!
You’ve got to break down and destroy before you can build up.
The crime passionel! The primitive instinct – to kill! So closely allied to the sex instinct.
That boyish type of criminal is usually intensely vain. Once prick the bubble of their self-esteem and it is finished! They go to pieces like children.
People who go about talking of what they are going to do don’t usually do it.
People say love justifies everything, but that is not true…
Nobody need be stupid if they try.
Method and order, they are everything.
Man was forced to invent work in order to escape the strain of having to think.
Love can be a very frightening thing. That is why most great love stories are tragedies.