Character calls forth character.
As a coal is revived by incense, so prayer revives the hopes of the heart.
Whoso is content with pure experience and acts upon it has enough of truth.
The man who acts never has any conscience; no one has any conscience but the man who thinks.
Nature! We are surrounded by her and locked in her clasp: powerless to leave her, and powerless to come closer to her. Unasked and unwarned she takes us up into the whirl of her dance, and hurries on with us till we are weary and fall from her arms.
It is much easier to recognise error than to find truth; for error lies on the surface and may be overcome; but truth lies in the depths, and to search for it is not given to every one.
A man must pay dear for his errors if he wishes to get rid of them, and even then he is lucky.
With knowledge grows doubt.
Wisdom lies only in truth.
Whoso shrinks from ideas ends by having nothing but sensations.
Which is the best government? That which teaches us to govern ourselves.
When prudence is only fear in disguise, its scruples cannot be conquered.