Based on the Grisha trilogy novels, Shadow and Bone is an American fantasy series created for Netflix by Eric Heisserer.
The series follows Alina Starkov, an orphan mapmaker, who discovers an extraordinary power that could change the fate of her world.
The main cast includes Jessie Mei Li as Alina Starkov, Ben Barnes as General Kirigan, Archie Renaux as Malyen Oretsev, Freddy Carter as Kaz Brekker, Amita Suman as Inej Ghafa, and Kit Young as Jesper Fahey.
When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it’s full of monsters.Alina Starkov, S1.Ep1: A Searing Burst of Light
No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take.Kaz Brekker, S1.Ep1: A Searing Burst of Light
Never make decisions out of fear. Only out of spite.Kaz Brekker, (to Jesper), S1.Ep2: We're All Someone's Monster
Maybe it’s nicer inside the walls of the Little Palace, but out here, when you’re different, when you look different, everything’s at risk of becoming a fight.Alina Starkov, S1.Ep2: We're All Someone's Monster
We’re all fools. And when our closest friend is in trouble, we do foolish things.Mikhael, (to Dubrov), S1.Ep2: We're All Someone's Monster
I don’t care that you’re part Shu. I care that you look terrible. Some of this is surface, but some of it runs deeper.Genya Safin, (to Alina), S1.Ep3: The Making at the Heart of the World
We do not conjure from nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us.General Kirigan, S1.Ep3: The Making at the Heart of the World
Getting lost can happen even when you know where you are.Alina Starkov, S1.Ep3: The Making at the Heart of the World
Where you are doesn’t matter nearly as much as who you are with.Jesper Fahey, S1.Ep5: Show Me Who You Are
There is something far greater than armies, something strong enough to topple kings and generals, to crumble nations and birth empires. Faith.The Apparat, (to Alina), S1.Ep5: Show Me Who You Are
A good magician is a good con artist. The trick is to make it look real.Kaz Brekker, S1.Ep6: The Heart Is an Arrow
Crows don’t just remember the faces of people who wronged them. They also remember those who were kind. They tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for.Kaz Brekker, S1.Ep7: The Unsea
Saints become martyrs before they get to be heroes.Zoya Nazyalensky, (to Alina), S1.Ep8: No Mourners
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We set out with a clear mission, a prize of a million kruge. And a new member on our crew. So, what did we learn? People with trains are evil. You can’t kidnap a human sunbeam. And maybe, just maybe, greed is a poor motivator. True wealth is the friends you make along the way.Jesper Fahey, S1.Ep8: No Mourners
There is a cost, always, to making difficult choices. The key is making sure that cost is not regret.General Kirigan, S2.Ep2: Rusalye
Suffering is as cheap as clay and twice as common. What matters is what you make of it.Baghra, S2.Ep4: Every Monstrous Thing
Your beauty is your armor. It’s fragile stuff, all show, really. But what’s inside you, that’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable and it doesn’t need fixing.David Kostyk, (to Genya), S2.Ep5: Yuyeh Sesh (Despise Your Heart)
What we do while we’re alive, who we are, our truth, that is all we can control. That is all we have. Hiding who you are won’t save you.Aditi, (to Jesper), S2.Ep6: Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love, two worlds make a universe.Ohval Saran, S2.Ep6: Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
Hope is the wind that comes from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home.Nikolai Lantsov, S2.Ep7: Meet You in the Meadow