I’ve got a knack for failing upwards.
Usually, when people with more advanced technology encounter people with more primitive technology, doesn’t work out well for the primitives.
People hate bugs. Been trying to get rid of them forever. Spray pesticides from planes. We put poison in the ground. We try and sterilize them. We swat them, zap them, step on them. Look around. They’re not going anywhere[to Jin and Saul]
I’d like to see him.[Saul Durand]You wanna see the guy that tried to kill you? Why?[Clarence Shi]“Know your enemy.” Didn’t Sun Tzu say that?[Saul Durand]I don’t know. I’m from Manchester.[Clarence Shi]
Ever have a DNA test? Check your heritage? I have. You know what I am?[Thomas Wade]Half jackal?[Clarence Shi]European mutt. Boring as f***. Except for this bit. I’m 1% Mongolian.[Thomas Wade]We’re practically brothers.[Clarence Shi]