They say there are five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Well, I’d like to add one more. Revenge.
Wreaking havoc at galas is my personal specialty.
It’s funny how those happy accidents can change the whole direction of your life.
There’s something about poetic justice that’s just so poetic.
I’m not sweet Estella, try as I might. I never was. I’m Cruella, born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad.
How does the saying go? “I am woman. Hear me roar.”
The good thing about evil people is you can always trust them to do something, well, evil.
The game is rigged. The villains never win.
People do need a villain to believe in, so I’m happy to fit the bill.
It’s not Estella. That’s the past. I’m Cruella.
Don’t worry, we’re just getting started. There’s lots more bad things coming… I promise.
Darling, if I’m going to need to repeat myself a lot, this isn’t going to work out.[to Jasper]