You have your mother’s common sense but your father’s devilment. I see them fighting. Let your mother win.
Winning doesn’t mean anything unless someone else loses.
If everybody is so afraid of losing, how on earth can anyone ever win?
Sometimes the best way to win a fight is not to start one, but if you do come up against somebody you know you can’t beat, be smart. It’s okay to run the other way.
I will continue until I find a man that I can’t defeat.
Believe me, there is no winning when you play by a twisted tyrant’s rules.
No one ever said we were gonna win, but it doesn’t mean you stop fighting.
How can any of you defeat me, when I’ve already won?
This war… we’re going to win.[Esta guerra… la vamos a ganar.]
They won’t win. Because one good thing came out of all of this. They showed themselves, the top 1% of the 1%, the ones in control, the ones who play God without permission. And now I’m gonna take them down. All of them.
Sometimes it’s not about backing the man most likely to win. It’s about backing the right man making sure he does win.
Nature always wins.