Anything is possible until your heart stops beating.
What you’re saying doesn’t make you a sinner. But it does make you a tremendous s***. Just for now. It doesn’t have to be terminal.[about Spencer’s complaints about Rick]
Evil people aren’t the exception to the rule. They are the rule.
We’re on the right path, even if we’re on the wrong road.
We can’t be so worried about finding enemies that we lose our friends.
Real ministering isn’t preaching from a pulpit. It’s talking to people one on one, on their own terms. Relating to them.
People remember the last thing that you do. The end of each story is very important.
Nowadays, people are just as dangerous as the dead.
If you strip yourselves of the superficial labels, what do we do, where do I live, how much money do I have, if you strip yourselves of that, it will make you see the person by your side as you see yourself in the mirror.
God isn’t here anymore.
Do we deserve a second chance? I don’t know. But sometimes we get one, anyway.