Anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose.
Set out to correct the world’s wrongs and you’ll almost certainly wind up adding to them.
When it comes to breaking, entering, and hacking, I can only do two at a time.
Anything is worthwhile when life gives you a second chance to be with the one you love.
Only the paranoid survive.
If they don’t want you to get inside, they ought to build it better.
You know before we, before I found you, the numbers haunted me. I never felt so helpless in my entire life. And I know I can’t get justice for all of them, but the possibility of having just one.
You gotta love a girl with good security habits.
We have free will, and with that comes great responsibility, and some times great loss.
The police only see what they choose to look for. The Machine sees almost everything.
People who say they have nothing to hide almost always do.
Once we become predictable, we become vulnerable.