Gilead doesn’t care about children. Gilead cares about power.[to June]
You have to let the rabble-rousers blow off a little steam or they’ll smash everything to bits.
It’s a big country, Commander. The Eyes can’t see everything. Not even the Eyes of Gilead.[to Nick]
If women don’t want to be defined by their bodies, why are they always using them to get what they want?[to June]
Your love f***s people up. You’re a fountain of heartache and trouble.[to June]
You’re an unusual woman, and we don’t have the proper infrastructure for unusual women to live within our borders.[to Serena]
Women like you are like children. Asking for too much, taking whatever you want. Damn the consequences.[to June]
These are pious men. They need a little kink.[to Aunt Lydia, about commanders]
Oh, you’d love it. It’s elegant yet brutal.[Serena Joy: I’m not much of a hockey fan.]
Men in power can’t resist showing everyone just how much power they have.
Marrying for power doesn’t always work out well.[to Serena]
Can’t we all agree, gentlemen, that it’s embarrassing to be running a country from which people are constantly trying to escape?