A fancy vocabulary doesn’t mean you’re scary. It means you have a thesaurus.
The best way to know yourself is to know others.
Sometimes, it is good to go a little mad.
Sometimes the universe allows for the making of unexpected memories.
Take good care. But more importantly, take good care of those in your care.[to Michael]
Starfleet doesn’t fire first.
Battle is not a simulation. It’s blood and screams and funerals.
It’s often our best intentions that cause us to do the most harm, especially to those we care for.
It’s good to get a little distance from something you love.
All of this reliance on computerized threat analysis bothers me. In my universe, the artificial intelligence took orders from me, not the other way around.
What you call pain, I call foreplay.[about Zareh]
Survive. That is how you honor them. Teach others what you know. That is how you avenge them.