You made a mistake when you left me. That means everything come after that is a mistake, too.[to Dot]
What happens in moments of life and death is that everything comes into focus.[to Vivian]
This is the path I’m on. Starts at birth and it ends here. This isn’t a trip to Starbucks on the way to the office. This isn’t an idea. God cuts our names into bone. And that’s who we become.
There is no one on God’s green earth who is a greater enforcer of the laws of this land than Roy Tillman. But what you need to know is that I am the law of the land. Elected by the residents of this county to interpret and enforce the Constitution given unto us by Almighty God.[to Joaquin and Meyer]
There is a natural order to things. We know it in our bones.
Prison is the way the world should be. The natural order. No apology. Men separated by race. Races stacked with the strong on top. You f*** the weak, you kill your rivals, sleep with one eye open.
Like the sign says, he is a hard man for hard times. And by “he” I mean me.
If you don’t know what freedom is, I don’t think me saying the words out loud is going to teach you.[to Meyer]
If a man is pure, his actions are only ever good.
I’m a sheriff of the American Constitution. Bound by duty, blood, and tradition to enforce what is right and to prosecute what is wrong. And the law, my friends, has very little to do with it. 5.2[to Joaquin and Meyer]
I am the law around here. Removable only by the governor or my constituents, who love me, by the way, because I say what I want and I do as I please. And I know the difference between right and wrong.