You’ve got a lot of pictures with that man. Your husband?[Tom Brown]Husband? I never found a man good enough for that.[Amy Jolly]
You evidently don’t think much of women.[Amy Jolly]I tell you, lady, it’s their fault, not mine.[Tom Brown]
You better go now. I’m beginning to like you.[to Tom]
There’s a foreign legion of women, too. But we have no uniforms, no flags. And no medals when we are brave. No wound stripes when we are hurt.[to Tom]
I’ve told women about everything a man can say. I’m gonna tell you something I’ve never told a woman before. I wish I’d met you ten years ago.[to Amy]
I seem to have the unhappy faculty of causing trouble wherever I go.
How long ago was that picture taken?[Tom Brown]Why?[Amy Jolly]That looks like Russian sable. That coat’s worth a load of Shekels. You still got it?[Tom Brown]Don’t be absurd. If I still had that coat, I wouldn’t be here.[Amy Jolly]
Every time a man has helped me, there’s been a price. What’s yours?[Amy Jolly]My price? A smile.[La Bessiere]I haven’t got much more.[Amy Jolly]
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