Be careful, Mr. Frankenstein. You toy with wrathful forces. And there’s no mercy in nature.
We shall create a life out of death.
It’s hard to judge cruelty when you’ve never known kindness.
I dream of a world where hope replaces fear. A world where a murdered man can stand in court to face his murderer. Where a crippled soldier, shrapnel in his spine can be killed, healed, then brought back to life to walk again.
You know this story. The crack of lightning. A mad genius. An unholy creation.The world, of course, remembers the monster, not the man. But sometimes, when you look closely… There’s more to a tale. Sometimes the monster is the man.
There’s no Satan. No God. Only humanity. Only me!
Life, I’ll say this very slowly, is merely the application and outcome of applied chemistry.
Life is a sacred creation.
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Life is temporary. Why should death be any different?
Life is beautiful! But unfortunately it is finite.
In my suffering I know about death. That it’s an abyss from which no man nor woman can be returned.
I am a student at the royal college of medicine. The curriculum is straightforward, the exams easy, the professors… Oh! The professors are men of limited ability and even more limited horizon.