In life, you must never hide who you are. But in war, being unseen can keep you alive.
Darkness lasts not even for one second when you turn on the light.
When your soul is leaving this Earth, you know it. You can see your whole life laid out in moments.
The world is still the world whether you can see or not. Your fingers are your eyes.[to Marie]
The words prove that things don’t really change, no matter how much time passes.
The most important light is the light you cannot see.
Some secrets are better kept secret.
Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever.
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Keep asking me to come with you. And one day, if it’s you that’s asking, I just might.[to Marie]
In war, bravery is like leaves on a tree, abundant, useless. Blown away.
If you lock a tiger in a metal box, it will look like a metal box.
I’ve learned, in many such situations, that pain is stronger than loyalty and patriotism. But the question of this afternoon is, is pain stronger than love?[to Daniel]