There is not a person alive that does not look into the mirror and see some deformity. Except for us. We remake ourselves on our terms. The world has no say in it.[to Yennefer]
Your appearance can be a weapon, as powerful as any knife or gun.
It doesn’t matter what you look like. It’s what’s on the inside that matters.
Wearing a uniform at work reassures patients. Wearing a uniform at a party does nothing but make you hot and uncomfortable.
There’s too many people who are weighed down by how other people see them.
Having a nice face and pleasant hair is not an accomplishment.
Even if you put it in a three-piece suit, street is still street.
Appearances, Gomie. It’s all about appearances.
You must always give good face. It shows the world that you are the best. Most powerful.[to Bruce]
You look terrible.[Durin III]Miners have calloused fists. Their punches land hard.[Durin IV]Wait till your children grow up.[Durin III]
You can dress up a pig, but you can’t make him jig.
What happened to you? You look like you got ass-f***ed by the business end of a hammer.[to Victoria]