I have a thing for bathrooms, actually.[to Frank Haleton]
Heroes only get the girl in Hollywood.[to Eve]
God, it makes me rage how efficient things are when you’re a d*ck to people.
Emotions or feelings as people apparently like to call them nowadays, are at best an inconvenience and at worst a total scourge on one’s freedoms. Guilt and shame especially.
Always close the curtains. You never know what kind of pervert could be outside.[to Niko]
We can fight. But you will get tired, and I will get bored, and you don’t like it when I’m bored. If I kill you, they will just send me another one.[to Konstantin]
She’s a parasite, Eve. She gets into your brain, she eats you up, to make space for herself.[about Villanelle]
Life is just a series of trade-offs. For all of us.[to Kenny]
Just beat the crap out of people. It will make you feel a lot better.[Pyotr: I beat the crap out of sofa so I don’t beat the crap out of people. You think that’s weird?]
If I killed everybody who betrayed me, there would be nobody left.[to Konstantin]
You’re really good at stealing. You should do it more.[to Gabriel]
You will never understand how much harder it is to be nice and normal and decent than it is to be like you.[to Villanelle]