Life is like a bank account. You cannot write a check without first making a deposit.
I don’t want to come a long way. I want to go all the way.
Do people like that bring their daughters out? I thought they just sold them to the highest bidder.[about the Russells]
You’ve just discovered injustice. I’ve lived with it my whole life. If I spent every day fighting with bigots, I’d never get anything done.[to Marian]
You must meet the right people in the right way.
You belong to old New York, my dear, and don’t let anyone tell you different.[to Marian]
When I’ve finished, you’ll wish you were my chauffeur.[Patrick Morris: There’s no need to talk as if I were your chauffeur.]
Marriage is something one should never settle for or talk oneself into.
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Marriage is not the place to look for freedom.
Love seldom survives marriage.
If you don’t want to be disappointed, only help those who help themselves.
I’m not concerned with facts. Not if they interfere with my beliefs.