If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
I have a very busy head. I have inside voices that I have learned to contain.
They might not need me — yet they might — I’ll let my Head be just in sight — A smile as small as mine might be Precisely their necessity —
That there is a wisdom of the Head, and that there is a wisdom of the Heart.
It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are, if indeed you cannot get it above them, than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise.
If your head is wax, don’t walk in the Sun.
I’m trying to keep a level head. You have to be careful out in the world. It’s so easy to get turned.
I cannot help thinking that it is more natural to have flowers grow out of the head than fruit.
I believe the hardest journey a man is ever going to take is the Journey from this head to this heart.