They might not need me — yet they might — I’ll let my Head be just in sight — A smile as small as mine might be Precisely their necessity —
The person who is motivated by necessity is interested in what’s known and what’s secure. The person who is motivated by possibility is equally interested in what’s not known. He wants to know what can evolve, what opportunities might develop.
Necessity never made a good bargain.
Necessity is the mistress and guide of nature. Necessity is the theme and the inventress, the eternal curb and law of nature.[La neciessità è maestra e tutrice della natura. La neciessità è tema e inventrice della natura e freno e regola eterna.]
Immortal is an ample word When what we need is by But when it leaves us for a time ‘Tis a necessity.
I have always been an admirer. I regard the gift of admiration as indispensable if one is to amount to something; I don’t know where I would be without it.