Two people rarely see the same thing.
The sons of rich men are proverbially wild.
The heart of a woman who loves will forgive many blows.
The great criminal (as you may remember my remarking to you once) is always supremely simple.
Some of the greatest criminals I have known had the faces of angels. A malformation of the grey cells may coincide quite easily with the face of a Madonna.
Now I am old-fashioned. A woman, I consider, should be womanly. I have no patience with the modern neurotic girl who jazzes from morning to night, smokes like a chimney, and uses language which would make a Billingsgate fishwoman blush!
Man is an unoriginal animal. Unoriginal within the law in his daily respectable life, equally unoriginal outside the law. If a man commits a crime, any other crime he commits will resemble it closely.
Man is a vain animal.
If it is necessary for a criminal to be a consummate actress, then by all means assume her to be one.
For whom will a woman lie? Sometimes for herself, usually for the man she loves, always for her children.
Arrange your ideas. Be methodical. Be orderly. There is the secret of success.
A clue of two feet long is every bit as valuable as one measuring two millimetres! But it is the romantic idea that all important clues must be infinitesimal.