Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish, know not what is the real happiness of life; just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone estimate the value of a clear and serene sky. - Alexandre Dumas (The Count of Monte Cristo Book Quotes)

Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish, know not what is the real happiness of life; just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone estimate the value of a clear and serene sky.[Ceux qui sont nés dans un berceau de pourpre et n’ont jamais rien désiré, ne savent ce que c’est que le bonheur de vivre ; de même ceux-là ne connaissent pas le prix d’un ciel pur, qui n’ont jamais livré leur vie à la merci de quatre planches jetées sur une mer en fureur.]

Source:(ed. P. F. Collier & Son, 1910), Volume I, Chapter L. The Morrel Family, Page 582
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