We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit, and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of matters of universal interest. - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Elements of the Philosophy of Right Quotes)

We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit, and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of matters of universal interest.[Aber sowenig jemand Schuhmacher zu sein braucht, um zu wissen,ob ihm die Schuhe passen, ebensowenig braucht er über-haupt zum Handwerk zu gehören, um über Gegenstände,die von allgemeinem Interesse sind, Kenntnis zu haben.]

Source:(Oxford University Press, ed. 1942), Additions, No. 135. Paragraph 215, Page 273
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