If you were gonna do me, I’d already be done. But there ain’t nothing you fear more than a bad headline, is there? You’d rather live in s*** than let the world see you work a shovel.[to Burrell]
We’re all pieces of s*** when we’re in your way. That goes with the territory.[to McNulty]
So, one thieving politician trumps 22 dead bodies. Good to know.
Lester Freamon is not in the habit of selling wolf tickets. I, for one, would not bet against him.[to Rawls]
Comes a day you’re gonna have to decide whether it’s about you or about the work.[to Carver]
Bend too far, you’re already broken.[Marla Daniels: The tree that doesn’t bend, breaks, Cedric.]
See, this is the thing that everyone knows and no one says. You follow the drugs, you get a drug case. You start following the money, you don’t know where you’re going.