I prefer to play abused, tragic alcoholics, and one day, I’ll probably be discovered lifeless in an overflowing bathtub with an empty bottle of sleeping pills spilled all over the floor, but the sad thing is I’m actually a very gifted comedienne.
Sometimes I think I’d feel more at home outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
It’s all worthwhile in your lifetime.
In my loneliness, or perhaps because of it, I’ve learned not to judge people, to take people as I find them, not as others find them, and most of all, to give complete and unquestioning faith to the people I love.
If you wanted to live a nice, quiet, peaceful life, you picked the wrong time to get born.
I’m in no hurry. I like the desert. I like aliens.
A man thinks up a number, divides it by a trillion, plugs it into the square root of the circumference of the Earth multiplied by the speed of a splitting atom, and voilà, progress. I’m not a scientist. You are.
“Time heals all wounds.” No. Maybe it can be a Band-Aid.
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Your curiosity is your most important asset. Trust it. [to Woodrow]
You’re welcome to stay with me for as long as you wish, whether I like it or not. Which I don’t, by the way.[to Augie]
You can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep.
We’re not going to abandon my daughter at a motel in the middle of the desert, buried next to the communal showers.[to his granddaughters]