You can still bake a perfectly good cake while losing your mind.
Sometimes a girl has to stop waiting around and come up with her own fairytale ending.
Pride comes before someone trips you flat on your face.
One of the advantages of being an only child is that you have no trouble amusing yourself.
Love is a decision? That’s right. A decision. Not a feeling. That’s what you young people don’t realise. That’s why you’re always off divorcing each other.
Every day is a gift, Jake. Of course sometimes it’s a really horrible gift that you don’t want.
Building your dream home is a fast-track to divorce.
Bisexuals are like agnostics, trying to have it both ways.
A woman would be more intelligent, obviously.
A woman wants to be adored but she doesn’t want reverence.
A marriage is hard work and sometimes it’s a bit of a bore. It’s like housework. It’s never finished. You’ve just got to grit your teeth and keep working away at it, day after day.
A man who despises himself so much that the only way he can alleviate his feelings of inferiority is by stomping down his wife’s personality with a daily stream of nasty jibes. A little man.