Your own brains ought to have the decency to be on your side!
This I choose to do. If there is a price, this I choose to pay. If it is my death, then I choose to die. Where this takes me, there I choose to go. I choose. This I choose to do.
There be a lot o’ men who became heroes ‘cuz they wuz too scared tae run!
The trouble is you can shut your eyes but you can’t shut your mind.
Just because a woman’s got no teeth doesn’t mean she’s wise. It might just mean she’s been stupid for a very long time.
I’m not superstitious. I’m a witch. Witches aren’t superstitious. We are what people are superstitious of.
A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest, Granny Weatherwax had once told her, because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.[Granny Weatherwax had once told her]
A metaphor is a kind o’ he to help people understand what’s true.