There exists in the minds of men a tone of feeling toward women as toward slaves.
It is inevitable that an external freedom, an independence of the encroachments of other men, such as has been achieved for the nation, should be so also for every member of it.
It is a vulgar error that love, a love, to Woman is her whole existence; she also is born for Truth and Love in their universal energy.
If nature is never bound down, nor the voice of inspiration stifled, that is enough.
The especial genius of Woman I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency.
Nature provides exceptions to every rule.
Harmony exists in difference, no less than in likeness, if only the same key-note govern both parts.
Every relation, every gradation of nature is incalculably precious, but only to the soul which is poised upon itself, and to whom no loss, no change, can bring dull discord, for it is in harmony with the central soul.
When the intellect and affections are in harmony; when intellectual consciousness is calm and deep; inspiration will not be confounded with fancy.
What a difference it makes to come home to a child!
Two persons love in one another the future good which they aid one another to unfold.
Those who seem overladen with electricity frighten those around them.