One false move, and I will Second Amendment your brains all over this truck.
We’re not leaving a trail of blood and guts behind us, we’re keeping Michigan moist.
There’s one thing I learned from Ash. Shoot first, ask questions never.
If I’ve learned anything from you, Ash, it’s that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Hey, I’m looking for a friend. He’s, uh, tall, dumb, smells like… bread. Um, oh yeah, chainsaw arm. Probably should’ve, led with that one, but…
Is there any world, where this doesn’t have something to do with Ash?
I want a flamethrower. I’m serious. I lost my parents, got possessed. Flamethrower seems fair.
Everyone in this world is plagued by something evil.
Always bring a gun to a puppet fight.
We all waste time. Important thing is, when we decide to stop.
Normal? I forgot what that word even means.
Ash may be a perverted drunk with racist tendencies, but he has his moments.[to Brandy]