The very thing that makes you different is what makes you special.
There is no science to coincidence.
Oh, no. Don’t be dead, Raymond. On the other hand, if you are dead, please stay dead.
Life’s too short not to live.
It’s a rude awakening when one realizes that despite decades of what one thought was maturation and experience, you haven’t really changed at all.
What’s the point of stopping Savage if we only become as immoral as he is in the process?
There’s a lid for every pot.
I’ve learned a lot about merging one’s life with another this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we’ve all been party to, the mystery that brings two people together through love is still the province of magic.
I refuse to set foot on the Titanic. Whoever built that ship ought to be shot.
Everyone has a contribution to make.
Thank you, Jefferson, for the adventure of a lifetime. I hope your life is long and full of love. Just as mine has been.
So, this would be a new milestone for you then.[after Mike tells him he has an idea]