The holy trinity. A drink, a lady, and a whole lot of cash.
Ask a question, you get an answer. That doesn’t necessarily get you the truth.[to Julia]
You know the problem with blanks, though? They don’t sound like a real bullet.[to Marius]
You don’t say you’re something, unless you know what the f*** you’re talking about.
You broke it. You bought it.
When a liar gets caught in a lie, they don’t come clean. They build a bigger lie.
The trick is always impossible until it isn’t.
Self-respect isn’t a straight line, it’s a circle.
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Poker was for boys. Bridge, that’s for grownups.
Plans that involve running after people and tackling people are never good plans.
It’s better to be disappointed in cards than in love.
I’m a confidence man. I give people confidence, they give me their money.