The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it.
Every Night and every Morn, some to Misery are Born. Every Morn and every Night, some are Born to sweet delight, some are Born to Endless Night.
We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.
The death of dogma is the birth of morality.
The act of birth is the source and prototype of the affect of anxiety.[Der Geburtsakt die Quelle und das Vorbild des Angstaffektes ist.]
I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.
I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life.
I am but too conscious of the fact that we are born in an age when only the dull are treated seriously, and I live in terror of not being misunderstood. Don’t degrade me into the position of giving you useful information.
Hesitation before birth. If there is a transmigration of souls then I am not yet on the bottom rung. My life is a hesitation before birth.[Das Zögern vor der Geburt. Gibt es eine Seelenwanderung, dann bin ich noch nicht auf der untersten Stufe. Mein Leben ist das Zögern vor der Geburt.]
Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies-“God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.
Birth was the death of him.