Trouble is, just because things are obvious doesn’t mean they’re true.
Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things.
The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.
She walked quickly through the darkness with the frank stride of someone who was at least certain that the forest, on this damp and windy night, contained strange and terrible things and she was it.
Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages.
Ninety percent of true love is acute, ear-burning embarrassment.
Just call in at the torturer on your way out. See when he can fit you in.
It is true that words have power, and one of the things they are able to do is get out of someone’s mouth before the speaker has the chance to stop them.
Gods prefer simple, vicious games, where you Do Not Achieve Transcendence but Go Straight To Oblivion; a key to the understanding of all religion is that a god’s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs.
Everywhere’s been where it is ever since it was first put there. It’s called geography.
Destiny is important, see, but people go wrong when they think it controls them. It’s the other way around.
Death was too good for cat haters.