There was need of a phantastic, indestructible optimism, and one far removed from all sense of reality, in order, for example, to discover In the shameful death of Christ really the highest salvation and the redemption of the world. - Carl Jung (Psychology of the Unconscious Quotes)

There was need of a phantastic, indestructible optimism, and one far removed from all sense of reality, in order, for example, to discover In the shameful death of Christ really the highest salvation and the redemption of the world.[Es bedurfte im Gegenteüe eines unverwüstlichen und allem Wirklichkeitssinn abholden phantastischen Optimismus, um z. B. im schmachvollen Tode Christi eben gerade das höchste Heil und die Erlösung der Welt zu erblicken.]

Source:(Moffat, Yard and Co., ed. 1916), Chapter I. Concerning the Two Kinds of Thinking, Page 30
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