I married this life, and after keeping my mouth shut for all these years, I’m gonna see if it married me back.
The answer is always no until you ask.
Who the f*** would wanna leave this paradise?[Agent Oscar Ruiz: Don’t leave town, Mr. Manfredi.]
To me, being alone, living alone, and dying alone is like the worst curse God could ever put on anybody.
This is why people break the law, because they make everything legitimate so freaking complicated.[to Tyson]
I show you up by showing up.[Vince: What are you trying to do, show me up?]
You ought to get a cocker spaniel, they come every time.[Chickie: The next time I call, you come right away.]
You know, I feel like Rip Van Winkle. You wake up after 25 years, GM has gone electric, Dylan’s gone public, a phone is a camera. Coffee, five bucks a cup! And the Stones, bless their heart, they’re still on tour.
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You ever been on life support?[Bad Face: You ever been on a horse?]
When you own a casino, you got a license to print money.
When I was in the joint, I used to think about the good old days and friends, family. Good times. When you finally get out, you look around, you realize the good old days were not really that good.[to Pete]
When I play my hand, you won’t see it coming.[to Waltrip]