The artist strives to reflect the desolation and anxiety that accompanies one’s loss of identity.
You should only listen to yourself. That’s your only job, really, as an artist. Even if you’re completely wrong, that’s what an artist does, listen to one’s self.[to Hailey]
I’m an artist. It’s my job to put myself in other people’s shoes.[to Yennefer]
It’s really common for people to create rich fantasy worlds to escape into. It’s what most artists do. They are brave enough to show the weirdest, most vulnerable sides of themselves in their work. Which helps a lot of people not feel as alone.
I did not train you to be a demon or a human. I showed you how to be an artist. To be an artist is to do one thing only.[to Mizu]
Aren’t you either an artist or not an artist?
An artist gives all they have to the art, the whole. Your strengths and deficiencies, your loves and shames. Perhaps the people you collected.[to Mizu]
You can’t judge the art by the artist.
Swords, pots, noodles, death. It is all the same to an artist.[Mizu: You think revenge is an art?]
Maybe it’s because other people don’t see them how they really are.[Isaac: A lot of female artists like to use self-portraiture.]
Less artists means less need to kiss the asses of those artists.
It’s a crime to make musicians pay the rent.