In this world, it is wise to guard your truths.[to Rand]
In order to honor the truth, you can’t control it.[to Nia]
In law there is one great eternal truth: If anyone goes to prison, it’s the client, not the lawyer.
If you want to learn the truth about the killer, first you need to learn the truth about yourself.
If you want to keep people around, you have to tell them the truth once in a while.
If there is a God, then I am His creation. And I… am the truth.
If I believe something to be true, then I have to deliver that truth no matter what.
I’m starting to believe that the truth is poison.
I’m a scientist. I believe what the evidence tells me to be true.
I have seen this before. You’re on fire, believing that you’re onto some truth, that you can save the world.
Don’t tell me the story that you want to be true. Just tell me the f***ing truth.[to Iris]
Brandy, I know I’m a crappy father, but I’m also a crappy liar. I’ve always told you the truth, even if it sounds creepy and weird.