You’re the best husband an undead wife could ever ask for.[to Joel]
You see? I’ve known you, what, five minutes and already I’d rather have you kill me.[to Cora]
See? You were wondering if we were bad people. But only good people would do a favor for the severed head of their victim.[to Joel]
I know we have to kill somebody today but we have to be parents every day.[to Joel]
I just threw up. Like a fair amount.
The undead can’t eat the undead. They’re too… dead.
New lesson: if at first you don’t succeed, then blast his ass with tear gas.[to Abby]
Mistakes are just opportunities to learn how to do the right thing.
It’s just really disappointing. Even dead men and women can’t be friends.[to Loki]
If you miss eating pizza, eat a man who just ate pizza.[to Loki]
If we also stereotype people by assuming Nazis are always available, are we that much better than them?
I’m sorry I was so insistent on killing Boone. You know, being selfless doesn’t come easy to the undead.[to Joel]