The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless.
The purpose of war is peace.
I have no interest in peace. Peace is a dirty word.
Eternal peace is probably overrated.
Peace is an illusion. And no matter how tranquil the world seems, peace doesn’t last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew of our own innate savagery.
Sometimes distance is the only way to find peace.[La distancia a veces es la única manera de encontrar la paz.]
Every force has its equal. Fear, peace, dark, light… one can’t exist without the other.
If you seek peace prepare for war.
There’s no point if you fight for peace. You’ll never escape from that bloodthirsty hell that way.
That’s the hard part. Using a weapon to make peace.
Seeming cruelty can bring beauty. Pain purifies and leads to peace.
We make peace with our enemies, not our friends.