Sleepiness is weakness of character. Ask anyone.[to Zoë]
Seven days? I could catch up on my sleep.[Axe-Hand Morgan: So what’s it gonna be? A new career? Or the yard?]
Just because you can’t control what you do in your sleep doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t find it hilarious.[to Dave]
It is treasonous to interrupt my beauty sleep. You’re lucky my face is a rare jewel.
I’m gonna be arrested, but I got a feeling it’s gonna take a while. So… sleep when you can.[David O’Donnell: Whoa, you’re taking a nap right now?]
I’ll write about fashion. And I’ll sleep with history.
I don’t sleep. I just dream.
How was the opera?[Fox Mulder]Wonderful. I’ve never slept better.[Mr. X]
All my life, I’ve been afraid to go to sleep. Whenever I lay down to close my eyes… that’s when the nightmares begin. And lately, they’ve been getting worse.