Let’s just say I know a guy… who knows a guy… who knows another guy.
That’s what the kids call ‘epic fail.’
What the hell is wrong with you? You act like you’re the first guy this ever happened to. I caught my second wife screwing my stepdad, okay? It’s a cruel world, Walt. Grow up.
Christ, you two. All I can say is if I ever get anal polyps, I’ll know what to name them.[to Jesse about him and Walter]
Walter never told me how lucky he was, prior to recent unfortunate events. Clearly his taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers : only the very best with just a right amount of dirty.
Don’t drink and drive. But if you do, call me.
There’s no honor among thieves… except for us of course.
The money laundering aspect is fairly straightforward. But I gotta tell ya, the not-telling-your-wife aspect? Most people want to know why they suddenly got rich.
If a mosquito’s buzzing around you, it bites you on the ass, you don’t go gunning for the mosquito’s attorney. You go grab a flyswatter.
You two wanna go stick your wangs in a hornet’s nest, it’s a free country, but how come I always gotta get sloppy seconds, huh?[to Jesse]
That’s my legal opinion. Make hay while the sun is still shining.
If you’re committed enough, you can make any story work. I once convinced a woman that I was Kevin Costner and it worked because I believed it.