Quality time is a lie peddled by busy parents to alleviate guilt. It’s quantity time that counts.
You killed Boro’s dad? S***, how many kids have you screwed up?[Luke Brunner: I killed the kid’s father, so I felt guilty.]
Never get so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
It’s not my fault that the kid went south. I even waited for him to get off the compound before I threw his father off the cliff. Trying to be nice.[about Boro]
I’ve learned a ton from working with my dad. How he leads the team, how he keeps his cool, how to slit a man’s throat vertically so he bleeds out faster. I’d like to stay on his team.[to Dot]
I love Danny DeVito. He’s so tiny. I want to put him in my pocket.
He’s paying for Cinemax? I knew he was a pervert.[about Donatello]
Finn Hoss is not your problem! Boro Polonia’s made millions of decisions that got him stuck in a basement with a nuke that’s about to blow. For Christ’s sake, take some responsibility. Stop blaming him for all of your mistakes.
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Do you think that Steve Jobs became so powerful because he was the best at what he did? Or because, through ruthless efficiency, he made sure no one else could do what he did?[to Dr. Karl Novac]
Can’t I see my own daughter in my own house anymore?[Luke Brunner]Hasn’t been your house for 15 years.[Emma Brunner]Tell this to my mortgage payments.[Luke Brunner]
A man does not gamble and wish for good fortune. A real man takes what he wants, creates his own.