If you’re gonna lead the life of an adventurer, you might wanna keep a journal. Write down everything you ever do, even the silly stuff that you think is forgettable. Because when the adventures are over, that’s all you’re left with: good friends and happy memories.[to Andra]
Your demeanor should be all cheer, gentlemen. You understand? It’s going to be tight, but that’s what we signed up for, an adventure for Queen and Country. An adventure of a lifetime.
The wonderful thing about adventures is that you can break all the rules, all the time, whenever you want, with whomever you want. And then when one adventure gets stale, you just find a newer, fresher, younger, more exciting adventure.[to Drover]
I learned there was another way to defeat him and restore balance. I took his bending away.[Aang]Wow! Who taught you that?[Toph Beifong]A giant lion turtle.[Aang]You have the craziest adventures when you disappear.[Toph Beifong]
I am not a man who needs a legacy. I want a new adventure.[to Laris]
Alone, it’s just a journey. Now adventures, they must be shared.
Adventuring was just a metaphor for romantic partnership, so it’s not a real break-up.
Adventure is just hardship with an inflated sense of self.