My biggest fear is a bad facelift, but I think I’m realizing an even bigger fear. It is this. That I will become emotionally dependent on a guy who will one day realize that I’m too much and break my heart.[to Noah]
You some sort of mind reader?[Joanne]I read your mind at the dinner when you were looking at me. It was very inappropriate.[Noah Roklov]
We just have to do it to make your bubbe happy, okay? She’s not gonna be alive much longer.[Sasha Roklov]Wait, so if she dies before, we can change the theme?[Miriam Roklov]Yes, that’s a good compromise.[Sasha Roklov]
We have all these chances to wake up and change the course of our lives.
There’s no alcohol in that.[Morgan]Yeah. I told you a hundred times. I’m California sober. Like Miley Cyrus.[Sasha Roklov]
Opening up about something that makes you uncomfortable. It helps people connect to you.
Joanne, you’re so remarkable. How is it that you are not married?[Bina Roklov]If I’m being real, probably… I’m a hopeless romantic. I just haven’t found the right mother-in-law yet.[Joanne]
If more people said out loud what they like, what they don’t like, they’d realize it’s totally normal, and they’d carry around a lot less shame.
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I’m so very proud of you. Today, you’re an adult. And while that may seem daunting, turns out it mostly just involves canceling dinner plans.[to Miriam]
Feel like this is one of the only areas where my height is actually an advantage. Do you know that tall people die earlier than everybody else, so enjoy me while I last.[Sasha Roklov]I will. I guess that means I’m gonna live forever.[Joanne]
Everything in life is a hostage situation.
Everything can have purpose if you allow it. Thinking about switching careers? Maybe that’s God pushing you. Hesitating about a big decision? That could be God telling you to think twice. Thinking about going all in on crypto? That might not be God. Ask your accountant what they think.