The next time you have an instinct to help someone, you might consider crushing them instead. It might save you a great deal of trouble.
Almost anything can be trained to resist its instinct.
Instinct’s a funny thing.
Decisions based on emotion aren’t decisions, at all. They’re instincts. Which can be of value. The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually they’re far less powerful.
Your intellect may have got you here, but it will be your instincts that will make you special agents.
When a civilization acts in opposition to its instincts, it may be under the influence of something, or someone, new.
Sometimes you need to take what you think you know, throw it out the window, and follow your instincts because your life depends on it.
Can’t just follow orders. Got to trust your gut.
Betrayal is a very intense instinct. One that can only be matched by a mother protecting her young.
You cannot teach instinct.
Where people go, the thoughts they have, these are known to me. Instincts. Who flees, who fights. It’s a question of price.
The dead don’t have names. And we shouldn’t, either. Without names or a past, those of us strong enough to still be alive out here, can know each other on a primal level.