You look like a ferret that gave up on himself six months ago.
You just brought p*** to a s*** fight!
We need to do what any animal in nature does when it’s cornered, act erratically, and blindly lash out at everything around us.
Time is a sphere and I have been reincarnated during the same time period in which I exist.
Pedophiles are typically not early adopters, so we would miss out on that whole market. That’s problematic.
Now Dropbox is winning, but when it comes to audio and video files, they might as well be called Dripbox.
Your logo looks like a sideways vag**a. I find that to be racist, don’t you?
She’d have to be crazy to tell him, and I asked her point-blank if she was crazy, and she swore to me, no, she’s not crazy.
One of you is the least attractive person I’ve ever seen, and I’m not gonna say who.
Everybody who’s ever sued me has settled out of court. Pussies.