You’re too f***ing worried about what I give you. Worry a little more about what you give me.[to Christopher]
You can take 2007 and give it back to the Indians.
We each and every one of us, we’re alone in the ring, fighting for our lives.
These are snakes with fur. The old Italians will tell you, you can’t even put them around a baby. They suck the breath right out.[about cats]
I figure I’m gonna have to do about 6000 years before I get accepted into heaven. And 6000 years is nothing in eternity terms. I can do that standing on my head. It’s like a couple of days here.
I’ve been driving since I was a young girl.[Minn Matrone]Horse and buggies don’t count.[Paulie ‘Walnuts’ Gualtieri]
Ton’, you give this guy a golf club, he’ll probably try to f*** it.[about Don Vittorio]
The world don’t run on love.
She’s so fat, she goes camping, the bears have to hide their food.[about Ginny Sacramoni]
As of the wedding day, anything that touches her p***y is off limits.[to Tony, about Adriana]
As far as f***ing bears are concerned, I say, get rid of them all. They had their turn, and now we got ours. That’s why dinosaurs don’t exist no more.
Somebody should tell Paramount Pictures to get their s*** together. We’re gonna be stealing thousands more of these things.[about DVD’s]