Look at your friends. You’ve got so many friends. You’ve got each other, but never forget that you have them too.[to Brian and Charlie]
If you don’t truly deal with your past, it’ll come back for you.
I’m a white guy in Pasadena. The cops will probably just take it back to my house for me.[Sean: You’re just gonna leave your car here?]
I’ll just avoid Liz for the rest of my life.[Sean: Maybe]I’ve tried it. It won’t work, Sean. She finds you.[Jimmy Laird]
I passed the mandatory motor skills test a few months ago. I’m just a shitty driver.[Jimmy Laird: Paul, you think it’s safe for you to still be driving? You know? With the Parkinson’s?]
I know what percentage of me doesn’t give a s***.[Gaby: Do you know what percentage of yourself is actually made of water?]
I gotta get some coffee. I got drunk and stoned last night.[Paul Rhoades]What, did you join a frat?[Meg]No, it was a gay engagement party. Same same.[Paul Rhoades]
I do think that sometimes the idea of forgiving someone feels, like, impossible. Then you realize that the villain in your story is just a person who made a big mistake.
Grief’s a crafty little f***еr. Sneaks up on you.
Feel free to call me first thing in the morning and tell me I’m wrong. It’s what I live for.[to Jimmy]
Don’t even joke about hooking up with guys who ride Vespas.[to Alice]
Blood work looks good. Ah, your cholesterol has gone up a smidge. Do you remember that talk we had about eating healthier?[Julie Baram] I do. I ignored it.[Paul Rhoades] Mmm. Terrific.[Julie Baram]