If you’re a good person, every now and again, you’re gonna feel like an idiot.
Lunatics and idiots? Ooh, my kind of people.
What is it about the word king that makes even reasonable people behave like idiots?
Only an idiot would travel these woods alone.
Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.
Men are such idiots, even the smart ones.
Knowing stuff has no value anymore. Not when the answer is in my back pocket or sitting on my desk. The youth has it figured out. The future will be filled with beautiful idiots who just want to feel.
Something told me you’d need it, and by something, I mean common sense. And by need it, I mean you’re an idiot.
It’s just easy to make use of an idiot who’s not afraid of anything.
You may as well read the Bible for its history which, it goes without saying, is a fool’s errand fit only for idiot children.
Whenever I’m about to do something, I think, “Would an idiot do that?” And if they would, I do not do that thing.
Most girls are idiots.