Bertolt Brecht Quotes

36 Momentous Bertolt Brecht Quotes
What they could do with round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. And when do you get organization? In a war. Peace is one big waste of equipment. Anything goes, no one gives a damn. See the way they eat? Cheese on pumper- nickel, bacon on the cheese? Disgusting! How many horses have they got in this town? How many young men? Nobody knows! They haven't bothered to count 'em! That's peace for you! I've been in places where they haven't had a war for seventy years and you know what? The people haven't even been given names! They don't know who they are! It takes a war to fix that. In a war, everyone registers, everyone's name's on a list. Their shoes are stacked, their corn's in the bag, you count it all up - cattle, men, Et cetera - and you take it away! That's the story: no organization, no war! - Bertolt Brecht (Mother Courage and Her Children Quotes)

What they could do with round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. And when do you get organization? In a war. Peace is one big waste of equipment. Anything goes, no one gives a damn. See the way they eat? Cheese on pumper- nickel, bacon on the cheese? Disgusting! How many horses have they got in this town? How many young men? Nobody knows! They haven’t bothered to count ’em! That’s peace for you! I’ve been in places where they haven’t had a war for seventy years and you know what? The people haven’t even been given names! They don’t know who they are! It takes a war to fix that. In a war, everyone registers, everyone’s name’s on a list. Their shoes are stacked, their corn’s in the bag, you count it all up – cattle, men, Et cetera – and you take it away! That’s the story: no organization, no war![Man merkts, hier ist zu lang kein Krieg gewesen. Wo soll da Moral herkommen, frag ich? Frieden, das ist nur Schlamperei, erst der Krieg schafft Ordnung. Die Menschheit schießt ins Kraut im Frieden. Mit Mensch und Vieh wird herurngesaut, als wärs gar nix. Jeder frißt, was er will, einen Ranken Käs aufs Weißbrot und dann noch eine Scheibe Speck auf den Käs. Wie viele junge Leut und gute Gäul diese Stadt da vorn hat, weiß kein Mensch, es ist niemals gezählt worden. Ich bin in Gegenden gekommen, wo kein Krieg war vielleicht siebzig Jahr, da hatten die Leut überhaupt noch keine Namen, die kannten sich selber nicht. Nur wo Krieg ist, gibts ordentliche Listen und Registraturen, kommt das Schuhzeug in Ballen und das Korn in Säck, wird Mensch und Vieh sauber gezählt und weggebracht, weil man eben weiß: Ohne Ordnung kein Krieg!]